MADERAS JOSE SAIZ, S.L  considers the Environmental and the Quality Management as a strategic tool inside the area of its business management. Thanks to the necessary controls, analysis and studies, it knows the nature, magnitude and environmental impacts of its activities (logistics, transport, purchase and sale of wood, the first and second transformation and the manufacture of table, splint, plank, board and pallets), products and services.

The implementation of this knowledge assures that, as much a Environmenal and Quality Policy, as the actions that from it derive, they are adapted to the organization and to the intention of the same one.

The management of the quality and the environment constitutes a strategic objective of MADERAS JOSE SAIZ, S.L, as well as the provision of a few services which level of quality and respect for the environment make them competitive and adapted to the needs of its clients. 

To reach this strategic objective, MADERAS JOSÉ SÁIZ, S.L has adopted this Environmental and Quality Policy, which implies working under a Integrated System of Environmental and Quality Management, documented and checked regularly for its suitability and efficiency. In this Integrated System the operative one has been included to realizing for the Marked CE of the wood and guaranteeing the traceability of our products, as it describes PEFC-Spain for the System of Chain of Custody and in FSC.

Likewise, MADERAS JOSE SAIZ, S.L supports a clear engagement of prevention of the pollution, of satisfying the stablished requirements and of the continues improvement as much in its environmental behavior, as in the quality levels of the products and offered services.

MADERAS JOSE SAIZ, S.L knows the legislation and regulation that is of application and ratifies its engagement to operate in the frame that the same one establishes.

As a result of this Quality and Environmental Policy and of the knowledge of the quality level offered and the environmental aspects of its activities, MADERAS JOSE SAIZ, S.L  establishes a few objectives and goals of the quality and of the environment. The achievement of the above mentioned objectives is carried out by a Program of management to be able to control and check its advance.

Finally, MADERAS JOSE SAIZ, S.L  is conscious that to develop and to make possible day after day would be impossible if it isn´t achieved the participation of all the persons who compose it, as well as of its partners, for which will spread this Policy, and there will promote and establish the oportune measures that achieve its active implication in this matter. 

The Manager, Mr. José G. Sáiz Sáiz, assures also that this Policy is kept out to date and checked to obtain its continuous adequacy endowing the material, technical and organizational sources that guarantee the fulfillment of the principles in it established.